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Board and Corporate Governance

In addition to the parent company, the Wulff Group consists of 14 subsidiaries, of which four are based in Sweden, two in Norway and one in Denmark. The administration, management and control of the Wulff companies are shared between the General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Group CEO. Corporate governance is governed by Finnish law, including the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, securities market legislation, the Helsinki Stock Exchange's rules for listed companies, official regulations relating to the governance of public limited companies and the Articles of Association.

Wulff Group Plc complies with the Helsinki Stock Exchange's Insider Trading Guidelines and the Finnish Corporate Governance Code for listed companies, which is publicly available on the Finnish Securities Market Association's website (www.cgfinland.fi). The aim of the Code is to promote and harmonise high quality corporate governance and practices in Finnish listed companies.

The internal audit of Wulff Group Plc is carried out by the company's internal auditor under the supervision of the Board of Directors, and the external audit is carried out by the auditors. The Group CEO is responsible for the business operations together with the Group Management Team.

Wulff Group Plc's share is listed on Nasdaq OMX Helsinki and the company's domicile is in Helsinki.

Corporate Governance Report 2018

Corporate Governance report 31.12.2018.