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Ota yhteyttä

The Wulff Group's corporate restructuring  



Wulff Finland Oy, Wulff Oy Ab and Wulff Solutions Oy will merge into one company, Wulff Oy Ab, on June 1st, 2023. The change is part of the integration of Staples Finland Oy, which Wulff bought in spring 2021, into the Wulff Group.

 The merger brings cost efficiency to Wulff's operational activities and administration. Companies engaged in similar business are merged.

We have sent a notice about the change to our stakeholders. You can get more information about the merger from Wulff Group's CFO Atte Ailio, tel. + 358 40 520 8196, atte.ailio@wulff.fi and Group Controller Sara Pakalén, tel. +358 41 730 5837, sara.pakalen@wulff.fi.



 Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the merger and its possible effects on our cooperation.

What will change?

As for Wulff Finland Oy, the company's name will change. As of June 1st, 2023, the name will be Wulff Oy Ab. The business ID remains the same, 1717232-7.

As for Wulff Oy Ab, the business ID will change. As of June 1st, 2023, the new business ID will be 1717232-7. The company name remains the same, Wulff Oy Ab.

As for Wulff Solutions Oy, the business ID and the name of the company will change. From June 1st, 2023, Wulff Solutions Oy is Wulff Oy Ab. The new ID number is 1717232-7.

When will the changes take effect? 

The changes are valid from June 1st, 2023.

What do I have to do? 

Kindly update the company name and/or business ID in the systems and registers you are using.

How do I order from you in the future?

The change does not affect the way you order from us. The login address, usernames or passwords, prices or selections will remain the same. You can continue placing orders as before. 

Is there any action required of me so that I can continue placing orders in the online store? 

No, you can continue ordering as before.

Will my data remain unchanged? What about usernames, passwords, order history and unfinished orders? 

Everything remains unchanged. 

Will the product selection change? 

No, the selection of products will remain unchanged. In the end of the 2023, Wulff’s product selection will grow considerably. If you have a limited selection of products and services tailored to you, it will remain unchanged. We recommend you to review the products we have to offer every once in a while together with your contact person in Wulff. 

Which company will send me an invoice in the future? 

Wulff Oy Ab, 1717232-7. 

How do I pay the bill/will the banking details change? 

The banking details remains the same. 

How and where do I send the invoice in the future? 

For Wulff Oy Ab, the new business ID is 1717232-7. The billing address and banking details will remain unchanged during the change.

Instructions for invoicing from June 1st:

Primarily, we receive e-invoices.

When sending the invoice, please note that the OVT codes will change:

The OVT code will change for Wulff Finland Oy:
The new OVT code will be from June 1st, 003717172327FIN
The PDF invoice will be sent to ostolaskut@wulff.fi

The OVT code will change for Wulff Oy Ab:
The new OVT code will be from June 1st, 003717172327
The PDF invoice will be sent to wulff.invoices@pdf.basware.com

The OVT code will change for Wulff Solutions Oy:
The new OVT code will be from June 1st, 003717172327SOL
The PDF invoice will be sent to ostolaskut@wulff.fi